Good News Story

North West Fusion Group is proud to announce the launch of our second network primarily for the use of the members of The Blind Veterans Amateur Radio Society. Members of the society have regular morning nets on 80m SSB but due to current HF conditions, some of their members identified a need for a second… Continue reading Good News Story


Hmmmm, now this is interesting. You know how when you buy a nice new FTM400 and you switch it on, type in your callsign on the wonderful touch screen, dial up the frequency of your local gateway or Fusion simplex frequency and chat? Very simple, no set up required, easy. No codeplugs, no dodgy downloads… Continue reading Hmmmmm

What do a Lancia Beta, an Electronica Special, a class 9F locomotive, and an On Digital Box all have in common?

Blog Time: Well, Monday again, it doesn’t half come round quick!! Right, question: What do a Lancia Beta, an Electronica Special, a class 9F locomotive, and an On Digital Box all have in common? Answer: Non were usable to anywhere near their designed life. But, for different reasons: The class 9F was due to a… Continue reading What do a Lancia Beta, an Electronica Special, a class 9F locomotive, and an On Digital Box all have in common?