
Ian G0VGS has very kindly produced a selection of videos to help people get to grips with Fusion.

We’ve included a section below, the full catalogue including some unboxing videos can be found on the NWFG YouTube page – North West Fusion Group – YouTube

Fusion FAQ

Ian answers a few of the most commonly asked questions about NWFG and Fusion.

Fusion FAQ 2

Some more frequently asked questions are answered by Ian.

The Simplex Conundrum

Getting your head around how simplex nodes work can be tricky. In this video, Ian explains the pitfalls.

Programming A Fusion Radio Part 1

Lots of people ask how to program our NWFG standard channels into their Fusion radio. Ian shows the simplest way to do it.

Programming A Fusion Radio Part 2

Part 2 on how to program your Fusion radio using the SD card and RT Systems software.

Changing Rooms

Changing rooms on a gateway is simpler than you think. Ian shows it here on an FTM-400 but all the fusion radios work in a similar way.

Fusion Terminology

A quick look at some of the terminology in use with Yaesu System Fusion.