GB3RX is an 70cm Prescot near Liverpool based FM Allstar and Yaesu System Fusion repeater. The repeater is permanently connected to both North West Allstar and North West Fusion Groups.

GB3RX – Prescot
NOV holder: M0NFI
Output frequency: 430.8125 MHz  
RX Frequency: 438.4125 MHz
Offset: +7.6MHz
FM CTCSS: 77.0 Hz
ERP: 10dBW

GB3RX is a little unusual, it is a hybrid MMDVM Fusion repeater and an analogue FM Allstar repeater for those who prefer the vastly superior audio of FM. GB3RX is a North Western Repeater Group linked to both the North West Allstar and North West Fusion Groups. More details about it can be found on their website.

If nobody has used the repeater it is available for either mode. If you transmit to it in Fusion it will set itself to Fusion only or if you transmit to it with good old FM it will select FM only mode. 10 minutes after the repeater last received a Fusion or FM signal it will switch back to available for either mode.

If it is waiting to be switched to Fusion or FM it will transmit from whichever network is active first. This is so local users can hear an ongoing QSO and join in if they wish.

When using FM you must transmit a CTCSS tone of 77Hz to access the repeater. I would recommend using tone squelch so FM radios won’t open the squech when the repeater is in Fusion mode which will prevent FM only users from hearing the horrible digital noise.

It sounds a little complicated but it’s quite straightforward to use.

The only exception to what is explained above is during the 7am Squirrel net when GB3RX is forced to Fusion only mode.

Below is the current status of the repeater.

Mobile Station Coverage Prediction