NW AllStar Group

Allstar is an Amateur radio linking system developed by Amateurs for Amateurs. Allstar uses a highly modified and configurable fork of the open-source Asterisk PBX software. Most, if not all of the NWAG group repeaters, gateways, and personal nodes are using HAMVOIP software developed by David McGough K4FXC. Several members of NWAG have extensive knowledge of the Allstar system and are happy to help amateurs interested in connecting repeaters or gateways to the network.

North West Allstar Group was set up to promote Allstar Amateur Radio use in the North West of England and beyond. Allstar is a method of linking Amateur Radio repeaters and simplex gateways used extensively worldwide and brings excellent audio to your FM radio. NWAG has been formed to create a network of linked and connected repeaters and gateways throughout the North West of England to allow FM high-quality Amateur Radio conversations to be made across the North West of England with access from beyond for those who want to join in.

You can listen in to an almost live feed of NWAG by clicking Listen Live

NWAG was started by the same team that runs the North West Fusion Group and our emphasis is on good-quality links and audio. We would love to hear you. All that is required is any standard 2m/70cm FM transceiver with CTCSS to access the system.

If you have a node, gateway, or repeater and would like to link to the system, we would love to see you. Our hub node is 53573 on AllStar.

You can access the North West Allstar Group using your own Allstar node, using EchoLink or using a Fusion radio via Wires-X or a hotspot connected to our reflector which is linked to our Allstar network.

Allstar number: 53573
EchoLink access: GB3RO-R 344433
Wires-X Room: NWAG (41491)
Fusion reflector: YSF GB-NWAG-2 (31491)
Fusion reflector: FCS00428

Ian G0VGS explains what AllStar is