North West Fusion Group are pleased to host the following regular Scheduled Nets.
Please scroll down the page to view them all.
Thanks to Linda G0YLM for all the net pictures and social media promotion she does for the group.
The Squirrel Net – Daily @ 07:00 (UK Time)
Chaired by Linda G0YLM, join the squirrels for friendly light-hearted (often amusing) discussion, frivolity and other general nonsense every single day of the year. Will you be the next to receive the coveted “Golden Acorn”?
Squirrel Net Facebook Group
Q&A Net – Monday @ 19:30 (UK Time)
Got a Question? Need an Answer?
Monday means one thing. It’s time for the North West Fusion Group Q&A Net.
Rickie MI5DAW is here to answer any questions about Fusion and all aspects of Digital Voice modes. In fact, as long as it is radio related then ask away!
Everyone is welcome on this popular and informative net.
Sue’s Net – Tuesday @ 19:30 (UK Time)
Sue’s Net is a happy place. Escape from the downside of life for 90 minutes and beyond with Sue, G1OHH who hosts the net in Glorious Voice Wide audio every Tuesday night at 19.30hrs UK time on the North West Fusion Group network.
For more information please visit – Suesnet
The Bay Net – Wednesday @ 19:30 (UK Time)
Join Brian G0RDH every Wednesday evening at 19:30GMT. All are welcome.